Making a Donation
We welcome all donations to support the work of the Trust, large or small. The easiest way to donate is by bank transfer, using the details below:
Account Name: Worcestershire & Dudley Historic Churches Trust
Account No: 01166146
Sort code: 30-95-41
We also accept cheques made out to WDHCT and returned to our treasurer:
Mr Michael Howard
24 Charles Dickens Close
Unfortunately, we do not currently have a mechanism for online card payments, and are no longer accepting payments via ‘Just Giving’. It is hoped that a new mechanism will be found in future. Meanwhile, if you would like to donate online, please arrange a bank transfer using the details above. Thank you for your patience.
Become a Friend
If you would like to donate on a more regular basis, we would love to welcome you as a Friend of the Trust. This is a simple and effective way of supporting our work and in return we’ll keep you informed about our achievements, and invite you to join our tours and social gatherings. You can become a friend by filling in a membership form and returning it to us.
Why Donate?
The area covered by the WDHCT boasts over 300 beautiful historic churches which are not only at the heart of their community, but are, in addition, a treasure trove, preserving the history and heritage of that community. They also have a wider importance to the development of the nation; they are part of the fabric of England and must no be allowed to decay and deteriorate. Today, many congregations cannot afford the upkeep of these lovely buildings and the responsibility must be shared by those who believe that our churches encapsulate our heritage.
Our churches are too important to our history and heritage to be allowed to slip into decline. Please help us in our work to preserve these beautiful buildings for today and for future generations. The Worcestershire and Dudley Historic Churches Trust is dedicated to preserving these important buildings and we need your help to continue our vital work.
Support our events
We are also very grateful to those who help us by supporting our events, either by making a monetary donation or through giving time and effort, for example by participating in our annual fundraising event Ride & Stride. You can find out more information about this by visiting our dedicated website,
Thank you for your contribution.