About the Trust


The Worcestershire and Dudley Historic Churches Trust [WDHCT] seeks to award grants toward the preservation, repair, maintenance, improvement, upkeeep or beautification of any Christian Church within the geographical area of the Diocese of Worcester or the county of Worcestershire. The second objective of the Trust is the education of the public in the history and architecture of churches.

Grants may go towards the large and small scale restoration of historic buildings of all periods including twentieth century, including roof and wall repairs, rewiring or archaeological investigation, as well as the conservation of ancient or more modern features including stained glass, wall paintings and monuments. There are exceptions such as work on organs and bells, with which the Trust cannot assist, but in the first instance requests for grants should be discussed with the Secretary, who will advise on whether the project meets the criteria, forward an application form for completion, and explain the Trust’s procedure for making a grant. Further advice on other potential sources of funding is also available.

The Trust has limited funds and is able to make grants generally under £3000 towards projects. These can be of great help in contributing to funds raised on applying for large grants from major funding bodies or make the difference between completing a small project or leaving it on hold. Decisions on grants are made provisionally at the Trust’s quarterly meetings, and confirmed following a satisfactory site visit by a trustee. The grant can normally be held for a maximum of twelve months, and payment will only be made following receipt of an interim architect’s certificate or appropriate invoice.

For Annual Reports, Trustees and other information, please use the drop-down menu on the ‘Information‘ tab.